
General Info

Welcome to my site. Regardless of whether you landed here by chance, found me via one of my social channels or even a recommendation led you here, I’m really happy that you’re here and hope you’ll accompany me on a part of my journey.

My name is Larissa and I am the author of this website, as well as the owner of Casa Larimar, a lovingly modernized vacation apartment in beautiful Cabo Roig, on the wonderful Spanish Costa Blanca.

This is my first attempt at creating a website from scratch and without outside help (Google doesn’t count! 😂) and as I’ve found out, between a full-time job, being a mom (full-time job no. 2), and all the chaos of everyday life, it’s not easy as I thought it would be.

That said, this website is a constant work in progress and thanks to perfectionist tendencies, my progress is rather slow. Ah well, it’s not that big of an issue though, as this is simply my project to express myself, share my thoughts and ideas. Besides that, of course it is also meant as a platform for my holiday home and my guests, and to create something that at best helps, motivates, inspires or makes some other kind of positive contribution to someone.

A few more words about me and this page

For those of you who would like to get a small impression of who is writing here… Let me tell you a few words about myself and my motivation for this website.

Originally, I had planned to start a YouTube channel and start vlogging – just to try something new – until I realized that I… actually don’t really like being in front of the camera. But I do like being behind the camera all the more. 95% of the photos on my website are my own work and even though I’m certainly not a professional behind the camera, I seriously love taking pictures. And I really mean… a lot. Ask my family, they always have to wait when I find an exciting motif.

I’ve also always enjoyed writing, even if I didn’t do it very consistently for years, because that’s just how life goes sometimes. You focus on other things, family, job, everyday life… and then you lose sight of what you actually like to do. The combination of my love for photography, mainly with the iPhone (I know, I know, shame on me – I still have an old SLR camera lying around somewhere but it’s just too bulky for me), and my affinity for writing, actually make a website an obvious option. Last but not least, I am an enthusiastic language learner, so it is both fun and a challenge for me to publish this website in English – albeit now with a language plugin for a few more languages – while I am actually a native speaker of German.

The story behind the name of this website is pretty self-explanatory: Nobody is perfect, even if some people are only too happy to let others believe that they and their lives are. There are so many things that I am far from doing perfect, and that’s absolutely fine. I don’t expect perfection from myself or from others. What is important to me personally is doing something I enjoy and doing it primarily for myself, not for others. And since I try to embrace imperfection, and I am working on this website… there’s imperfection at work here. I know, right?! ðŸ˜‚

My world in pictures

The two men in my life 🥰

Cat mom of 2 wild boys who are simply part of the family for me

Christmas Cookies

I simply love baking, even though unfortunately I often don't have the time for it

I love spending time in nature - and capturing its beauty in pictures

Nothing better than family time

*Likes to grow stuff but does not, I repeat, does NOT have a green thumb*

In love with the North Sea coast (and its sweets)

Bild von Van3ssa @pixabay

Music = Happiness

Private investing for financial independence

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