
I always admire people who find the time to decorate their homes in a very spooky way and dress up as if they have been preparing for Halloween all year. One family I know celebrates the birthday of one of their children every Halloween, so every birthday party is a Halloween event par excellence. Cobwebs everywhere, fake bloodstains, impressive baking skills and lots of ingenious details around the house created a fascinatingly dark yet playful atmosphere. I was always amazed at what they had managed to create…

Anyway, that’s not what you’re going to see here 😂 I have no idea how “normal” parents are supposed to find the time for all this, but there are some things that are easy, fun and manageable even for those of us who are short on time. So feel free to browse, get inspired and – most importantly – have fun with what you’re doing. This place is not about perfection or trying to live up to anyone’s expectations ❤

Halloween Cookies
halloween, spooky, jack-o-lantern-2905531.jpg

Pumpkin Carving ->

Decoration ->

Super easy recipe: Spooky Halloween Bolognese with Eyeballs

  • Prepare your regular Bolognese Sauce plus some additional meatballs
  • Use sugar eyes, olives or anything similar to decorate the “eyes”
  • Enjoy!

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